Play fullscreen!

Melon Tusk is the CEO of GalactiCorp.

He needs you to control a laser called BTS (Built to Scale) which can make the moon bigger and more massive. That way, you can use the moon's gravitational pull to alter some giant asteroids' path and save the earth from an extinction event. 


  • Move the moon by dragging your mouse.
  • Hold click to make the moon bigger. 
  • While the moon is bigger, asteroids will be more attracted to it, use this to alter their path and prevent them from hitting Earth. But don't get too close! If you lose the moon, you're done.


  • Protect both Earth and the moon at all cost! Can you survive 50 asteroids?

I'd recommend playing the game with headphones on.

You only need a mouse in order to play.

I was not  able to wrap my head around resolution configs on time, so please just hit fullscreen and you'll be good to go!

Updated 23 days ago
Published 25 days ago
AuthorValentín Dri
TagsGravity, Physics, Short, Space


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The idea is creative, the gameplay is simple and yet hard. I think it would be more fun if the astroids exploded when colliding with each other.

Oh most definitely! I like the idea, thanks for playing.